Vanya's Closet

Tamara Elite Party Dress Gray

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

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10, 11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Agave, Apple Green, Apricot, Aqua, Ash gray, Beige, Black, Blue, Blue and Red, Blush, Brown, Burgundy, Candy Pink, Caramel, Champagne, Checkered, Cinnamon, Coffee, Coral, Crayola yellow, Cream, Cyan, Dark Blue, Dark Gray, Dark pink, Dark Purple, Dark Red, Dusty Pink, Dusty Rose, Floral Blue, Floral white, Flower Blue, Flower Pink, Garden, Garden Beige, Garden blue, Garden Blue and Orange, Garden Blue and Red, Glass Green, Gray, Gray and Rust, Green, Green and Pink, Honey, Ivory, Khaki, Leo print, Light blue, Light Gray, Light Green, Light Purple, Maroon, Mauve, Mint, Mint green, Mocha, Moss Green, Mustard, Mustard Yellow, Navy blue, Olive, Olive Green, Orange, Pastel Green, Pastel Pink, Peach, Peach, Pink, Pink and Green, Plum, Polka Dot, Purple, Rainbow Lilac, Rainbow Pink, Rainbow Purple, Red, Red Clay, Rose, Rosewood Pink, Royal blue, Ruby red, Rust, Sage Green, Salmon Pink, Sand, Silver, Sky Blue, Soft Pink, Steel Blue, Strawberry Pink, Stripes, Terracotta, turquoise, Violet, Weathered Gray, White, White and green, White and purple, White and Yellow, Wine Red, Yellow, Yellow Flower, Lilac



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